Section-60. Assessment of non-filers of returns under Model GST Law
(1) Where a registered taxable person
fails to furnish the return required under
section 34 or section 40, even after
the service of a notice under section 41, the
proper officer may proceed to assess
the tax liability of the said person to the
best of his judgement taking into
account all the relevant material which is
available or which he has gathered
and issue an assessment order within the
time limit specified in sub-section
(8) of section 67.
(2) Where the taxable person
furnishes a valid return within thirty days of the service
of the assessment order under
sub-section (1), the said assessment order shall
be deemed to have been withdrawn.
Explanation.— Nothing in this section shall preclude the liability
for payment of
interest under section 45 and/or for payment of late
fee under section 42.
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